PRA Solution Private Limited
Sardho(Dhankar), Po Bishanpur, Ps Sabour. Dist- Bhagalpur 813210. | 9608383409, 7654612525

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PRA Solution Private Limited

About Us

Our multi skilled workforce includes project managers, engineers, designers, technicians and mechanical tradespeople. In addition we have strategic alliances with companies that complement our core business and bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in a wide variety of areas. PRA endeavours to stay abreast of the latest technology and products ensuring that when working with clients we are able to offer the most suitable and economical solution in the marketplace. Our level of expertise, multi-skilled workforce and strategic alliances allow us to provide our clients with turn key solutions from the design through implementation and ultimately monitoring and maintenance.

Contact PRA Solution Private Limited

Address: Sardho(Dhankar), Po Bishanpur, Ps Sabour. Dist- Bhagalpur 813210.

Phone: 9608383409, 7654612525
Business Hours: 9:00AM to 6:00PM
Sunday Closed